Beyond the Filters: Reclaiming Your Confidence in a World of Highlight Reels

Beyond the Filters: Reclaiming Your Confidence in a World of Highlight Reels

Have you ever caught yourself at 2 AM, deep in a stranger’s owambĂ© (Nigerian slang for partying), or some fancy vacation reel? Welcome to my world.

I’ve been asked to write this column for a while, but I’ve been stuck. What feels authentic? Then it hit me: Lately, I have been feeling overwhelmed by social media. Yep, I’m one of those ‘chronically online’ people. *Hides face in shame*.  Now, I am not saying I’m in every comment section or acting like a troll, but I definitely lurk a lot. Believe it or not, I am a millennial, but there’s one platform I used to love to hate, yet somehow find myself scrolling mindlessly through and being influenced by

TikTok. That bloody devil of an app!

I don’t want to bore you with the psychology behind how these apps are designed to draw us in. What I want to discuss today is how I find myself scrolling through my feed, wondering why my life isn’t as perfect as everyone else. There is so much content being pushed through emphasizing everything looking “aesthetic” from your house to appearance. We’re comparing careers, relationships, possessions—you name it, we’re measuring it. It’s exhausting, isn’t it?

 It’s like we’re constantly coming up short in a race we didn’t even know we were running *sigh*. The worst part? This comparison game is rigged from the start. No matter how great our lives are, there will always be someone online who seems to be doing it better and faster. The influencers, with their ring lights and sponsorships, aren’t even helping matters.

*Draws a deep breath* — The dominance of social media platforms has somehow stripped us of our realness and personhood. Everyone is just seen as a username online, presenting the best version of themselves. Sometimes, that can be exhausting, right? It is like we’re all actors in a never-ending show, always on our best behavior.

But here’s a thought: Next time you’re scrolling and feel inadequate, remember that you’re seeing curated highlights, not reality. Influencers often sell dreams and products, not their true lives. We all struggle, we’re all figuring things out. No one has it all together, no matter how perfect their feed looks.

The thing is, we don’t have to play that game. We can choose to be real, to be authentic. And that starts with how we interact with social media. I don’t give advice, but… here are some steps that have worked wonders for me. These might just be the game-changers you’re looking for!

First, it’s time to start ghosting people. * LOL, I’m just joking. * Unfollow or mute accounts that leave you feeling less than. Your social media should lift you up, not drag you down. Fill it with content that inspires you, makes you laugh, or teaches you something new.

Next, Boundaries! It’s way too easy to fall into the infinite scroll trap, so try setting some limits. My phone has a feature where I can control the hours I spend on certain apps. Maybe no social media before breakfast or after 9 PM? Find what works for you and stick to it. Your mental health will thank you later!

Here’s a real gem: practice mindful scrolling. It’s not as fancy as it sounds – just be aware of how you’re feeling as you use social media. Notice yourself slipping into comparison mode? Take a deep breath and remind yourself that you’re seeing highlight reels, not reality.

Why not flip the script and use social media for connection instead of comparison? Leave genuine compliments on your friends’ posts. Share your authentic moments – yes, even the messy ones! Let’s create a culture of realness online.

And don’t forget the power of a good old-fashioned digital detox. Take a day (or a week if you’re feeling brave) away from social media. Use that time to reconnect with yourself, your loved ones, or that hobby you’ve been neglecting.

Remember, it’s okay to curate your highlight reel—just remember to live your actual life in the process. Social media should be the cherry on top, not the whole sundae.

Lastly, be kind to yourself. We’re all figuring this out together. If you have a day where social media gets you down, that’s okay. Acknowledge it, learn from it, and move on. You’re doing great sis!

Now, armed with these tools, you’re ready to make your online world a healthier, happier place. Let’s celebrate our real, messy, beautiful lives – no filter needed!

By Associate Writer, Sista


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