Oren and Alon Alexander, once prominent real estate brokers known for their elite social circles in New York and Florida, are being held in federal custody after being deemed flight risks. The 37-year-old Israeli-American twins, along with their older brother Tal, face state and federal charges of sex trafficking and gang rape involving at least 40 women.
The brothers attempted to secure release on bail by proposing a $115 million loan package backed by their parents’ properties as collateral. However, this request was denied. Federal prosecutors argued that the Alexanders posed both a flight risk and a danger to the community. Southern District of Florida Judge Ellen D’Angelo scheduled a detention hearing for December 20.
The case continues to grow, with additional women coming forward to report assaults allegedly committed by the brothers.
One accuser, a 38-year-old woman identified as Maria S., told Miami police on Thursday that Oren Alexander raped her in 2014 at the Versace Mansion in Miami Beach. Another woman in New York alleged that the Alexander twins took turns raping her after their birthday party, two years prior to Maria’s assault.
A third accuser, identified only as “Jane,” revealed to the Miami Herald that the twins raped her at their Manhattan apartment in Chinatown. She expressed guilt for not coming forward sooner, saying she had remained silent after the assault.
The Alexanders are facing multiple charges in New York for allegedly luring, drugging, and violently raping dozens of women over more than a decade. The brothers are expected to appear in Manhattan federal court as the investigation unfolds.